Alpine Springs Community Park
Alpine Springs Community Park Policy
Group Reservation Questions?
Please call 583-2342 ext 3 Monday – Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- The park shall be restricted to Alpine Meadows residents and members of the general public who held an active season pass the preceding year on a pay to use basis. The District General Manager has the discretion to make an exception to the above limitation on a case-by-case basis for Alpine MEadows non-residents that can show previous park support in the form of previous season passes.
- No exclusive use of the park
- Park is open during daylight hours
- All users shall adhere to park rules
- Use of the park is at the user’s own risk. Each park user, individual, family, group, or organization, is required to sign a waiver and release form for all claims for damages, death, personal injury, or property damages against ASCWD.
- No music or amplifiers louder than 60 dB metered at the front gate shall be allowed.
Guest Use-
- Household guests who are staying at the home of a season pass holder may use the park at no extra cost when accompanied by a pass holder.
- Household guests who are NOT staying at the home of a season pass holder may use the park when accompanied by a pass holder subject to the payment of the established guest fee.
- Only household members and/or immediate family members may share a Season Pass.
- Adults from different households within Alpine Meadows must purchase their own pass. (Not applicable outside Alpine Meadows)
- Renters are not considered household guests.

Group Use Policy-
- Reservations are required for group use and can only be made by a pass holder.
- No more than two groups of 25 or fewer persons or one group of 26 or more persons shall be scheduled during any one day.
- A damage deposit will be required and shall be used to reimburse the District for the following work tasks, if required:
- Clean up and disposal of trash
- BBQ cleaning or repair
- Amenity repairs including, but not limited to, tables, volleyball facility, bocce ball court, grass, walkways, fencing, bathroom facilities, etc
- Unused monies from the damage deposit will be refunded.
- No music or amplifiers louder than 60 dB metered at the front gate shall be allowed.
- If a reservation is cancelled less than seven days before the event, 10% of the damage deposit will be forfeited.
Large Groups Use Policy (76-100 ppl)-
- Prior to June 15 and after August 1, one Large Group may be scheduled per weekend. (Saturdays or Sundays) after 3 pm.
- From June 15 to August 1, no Large Groups will be allowed to use the Park on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).
- Large Groups may be scheduled Monday through Friday after 3:00 p.m.
- No Large Group shall be allowed to use the Park during the three-day weekends of Memorial Day, Labor Day or 4th of July.
- The District General Manger has the discretion to make exceptions to the above limitations on a case-by-case basis for Alpine Meadows Property owners groups or associations.
- No music or amplifiers louder than 60 Db metered at the front gate shall be allowed.
- Music or amplifiers must be set up on lower lawn in the vicinity of the Bocce Ball Court.
- See the annual Fee Schedule for charges.
- In addition, a damage deposit shall be required and shall be used to reimburse the District for the following work tasks, if required:
- Clean up and disposal of trash
- BBQ cleaning or repair
- Amenity repair including but not limited to tables, volleyball facility, bocce ball court, grass, walkways, fencing, bathroom facilities, etc
- Unused monies from the damage deposit will be refunded.
- If a reservation is cancelled less than seven days before the event, 10% of the damage deposit will be forfeited.

- Single User Day Pass (only available to Alpine property owners) – $20
- Family Day Pass (only available to Alpine property owners) – $40
- Daily Guest Fee (Guests who are NOT staying at the home of the pass holder when accompanied by the pass holder) – $5.00 per child – $10 per adult Day Pass
- Alpine Resident Family Season Pass (Property Owners and Long-term Renters) – $200
- Non-Resident Family Season Pass (Nonresident Passes restricted to those that held a season pass the previous year) – $300
- No Day passes available
- No week passes available
Reserved Group Use Fees-
- 1 to 10 people: $50
- 11 to 25 people: $75
- 26 to 50 people: $100
- 51 to 75 people: $200
- 76 to 100 people: $400
Facilities available for group use include existing facilities, BBQ’s ($10 each), and picnic tables.
For groups of 1-50 persons a $250 refundable deposit is required
For groups of 51-100 persons a $500 refundable damage deposit is required